Rainfall Rate Retrieval from GMS Satellite Data over Complex Terrain
摘要: 强降水主要由生命史短的中小尺度天气系统造成,对此类天气系统的预报,目前只有依靠卫星和雷达的实时监测并结合中系统的概念模式外推来完成。由于中国西北地区地形极为复杂,造成雷达盲区,影响其估算降水率。因此采用GMS-4卫星的红外和可见光展宽云图资料,经处理并转换后,再加入相应网格点上的数字化地形高度资料作为因子之一,用多级逐步判别模式估算逐时雨强等级,最后形成一套可在微机上对雨强场进行图像显示及处理的软件系统,满足了现时预报的需要。结果表明,小雨以上的降雨区域不论面积、形状均与实况基本一致。Abstract: Heavy rainfall is mainly generated by the mesoscale and microscale synoptic systems that are short life cycle.Presently,the forecast with this kind of synoptic systems can only rely on the combining real-time monitoring by satellite and radar and extrapolating by the conceptual model of the mesoscale systems.Because the terrain is very complex in the Nort hwest China,the terrain creats radar shadow that have influence on estimating rainf all rate.Therefore,the information of GMS-4 satellite infrared and visual stretched image have been used.These data are converted and reduced.The digitial terrain data of corresponding grid mesh of the satellite data are a available factor for use.The multilevel stepwise discriminatory model is used to estimate rainfall rate grade.At last,a set of software system which can be performed false color image display and process of rainfall rate field at micro computer has been created.This system has been satisfied a great need for now casting.The result has been proved that the estimation of area and shape,of hourly rainf all rate grade that is more than light rain,is generally consistent with the real-time rainfall.