
Present and Future of Water Resources Development in Lancang River Basin in Yunnan Province

  • 摘要: 澜沧江是一条国际河流,其中云南段自然资源丰富,水文、地理及气候特征独特。目前该流域水资源开发利用程度较低,仅有少量的灌溉面积,干流也仅建成了一个径流式水电站。作为我国西南地区的重要水电能源基地,流域的进一步开发将集中于水电、航运和农业灌溉。其开发方式具有立体开发、电力先行和国际合作开发等特点。


    Abstract: Lancang River is an international river flowing from China to Vietnam via Myanmar,Laos,Thailand and Cambodia.The downstream river from the border of China,Laos and Myanmar to the river mouth is called Mekong River.Lancang is the largest international river in China and one of very important hydropower bases in sout hwest China.There are 8 cascade dams are planned which one completed.Lancang river basin abounds with natural resources and has great potential for further development,but the water resources development is lower.The further development will focus on hydropower,navigation and irrigation.The development has some special characters,i.e.integrated,hydropower priority and international cooperation.Refer to international river and riparian countries concerns,the water resources development in Lancang should follow principles of peacefuluse,friendly negotiation and equal mutual benefits.


