
Numerical Analogue of Wind Driven Current in Meiliang Lake Area by Inlay-Mesh Model

  • 摘要: 应用数值嵌套模式,研究不同风向情况下,梅梁湖与竺山湖之间的马山区围垦对梅梁湖风生流的影响。结果表明:风场作用初期,偏S风使得太湖湖水流入梅梁湖;偏N风使得梅梁湖湖水流入太湖。梅梁湖稳定风生流流态表现为:在S、E风作用下形成逆时针环流;在N、W风作用下形成顺时针环流。马山区围垦阻隔了梅梁湖与竺山湖之间的湖水交换,进而影响梅梁湖的风生流流态,导致其湖水更新速度减慢。


    Abstract: This paper discusses application of an inlay-mesh model to the Meiliang Lake Area's wind-driven currents in the cases of various wind regimes.The results showed that the water of Taihu Lake flows into Meiliang Lake in the case of the windS,the water of Meiliang Lake flows into Taihu Lake in the case of the wind Nduring the early period of wind forcing,and that stable wind-driven current is the clockwise cyclic gyres in the case of Sand E wind direction,and the counterclock-wise cyclic gyres in the N and W wind direction.The water exchange between Meiliang Lake and Zhushang Lake is separated by the reclamation of Mashang area,influencing the winddriven current types of Meiliang Lake,and causing water renewing to be decelerated.


