LOTUS 1-2-3 在非稳定流抽水试验参数计算中的应用
The Application of LOTUS 1-2-3 Software to Parameter Estimation of Non Equilibrium Flow Pumping
摘要: 用高斯-牛顿迭代算法分析非稳定流抽水试验数据,使用LOTUS1-2-3的电子报表、数据库管理、图形技术、矩阵运算等功能,可计算出多次迭代运算后最佳含水层导水系数T,储水系数μe和渗透系数k,计算过程简洁、省时、高效。Abstract: The paper uses the Gause-Newton iterative algorithm to analysize non-equilibrium flow pumping test data,and utilizes dynamic table,database,graph and matrix function of LOTUS 1-2-3 to calculate the best transmissibility of aquifer,storage coefficient,and permeability coefficient.The procedure has time-saving and high efficiency.