218P0 测量法寻找基岩裂隙水研究

The Application of the 218P0 Method to Seek Crevice Water of Rock Stratum

  • 摘要: 论述了利用218P0测量法寻找基岩裂隙水的基本原理;阐明了水、氡在断裂等构造条件下,运移、汇集、赋存的特征及富氡富水、氡少水贫和同步对应,及部位一致的基本规律。介绍了高值异常峰顶型、低值异常凹斗型、无异常平缓型三种曲线类型及其分析方法。试验实践证明,此法具有轻便快速、高效准确、省时省力等优点,辅以其它方法找水定井,成井率达到98.2%.实践意义大,推广价值高。


    Abstract: This paper mainly describes the base principle of application the 218P0 method to seek crevice water of rock stratum,illust rates the base law of the trans-formation,concentration,storage,abundant radon and abundant water,poorly radon and poorly water,synchronous corresponding,and consitent position of water and radon under the fault zone condition,etc.,and introduces the curves types of high abnormal kurtosis and low abnormal hollow,and normal gently type,as well as their analysis method.The test and practice indicate that this seeking water method has the advantages of quick,accuracy,time-and labour-saving,etc.,and supplement other method to seek water and determine the well position,structuring well rate 98.2%.


