
Investigation on Basic Probability of Grain Motion

  • 摘要: 明渠挟沙水流运动具有两重性,既有确定性的一面,也有随机性的一面。分析了明渠水流运动、床面泥沙颗粒分布和水流中运动泥沙的随机性及其表达方式,指出泥沙运动是由静止、滚动、跃移和悬移4种状态组成,每种状态之间是不断转化的,可由6个转移概率来描述,并可进一步简化为由4个基本概率来表达,从理论上推导得到了泥沙运动基本概率计算方法;并采用实测资料进行了验证。这一研究成果在理论上和生产实际中都具有重要的意义。


    Abstract: Sediment motion has both definite respect and stochastic respect.in this paper,the stochastic feature and expression of flowing water,size of bed meterial and sediment motion have been analyzed.It is pointed out that there are four basic forms of sediment motion in flowing water,and the four basic forms of sediment motion usually transter each other with the variation of flowing water and sediment conditions,and a probability exists from a form of sediment motion to other form,so there are sixteen probability for four forms of sdiment motion.The sixteen transfer probability can be represented by the four basic probability of the four basic forms.The calculated methods of the four basic probability have been studied by theoretical analysis.The measured data agree with calculated basic probability of the four basic forms very well.


