
Discussion on the Evaluation Methods of Groundwater Resource in the Water Applying Field nearby a River

  • 摘要: 当前傍河水源地地下水资源评价的方法主要是水动力学方法和地下水管理模型,包括平面二维流模式、饱和三维流模式、饱和-非饱和流模式以及以这些水流模式为基础的地下水管理模型,其中以完整河流假设的平面二维流模式和非完整河流(实际河流)的三维流模式应用较为广泛。但平面二维流模式计算的开采量偏大,容易引起不良的环境影响,应推行使用饱和三维流甚或饱和-非饱和流模式预测傍河水源地地下水开采量。


    Abstract: The wells field near by a river is a common way to exploit the groundwater resource that is an important part of water resources.The groundwater management models based on hydraulic model,such as two-dimensional flow model,sat uratedly three-dimensional flow model and saturated-unsat urated flow model,are efficient tools to evaluate the groundwater resources in the case.The two-dimensional flow model,in which the adjacent river of that field is supposed to penetrate through aquifer completely,and the saturatedly three-dimensional flow model,in which the river can be treated as real case,are more popular.The groundwater resource calculated by the two-dimensional flow model,though the model prevails on the groundwater exploration of our country,must be more than the real resource from aquifer.In order to protect the environment and keep a forever use of the water resources,the saturatedly three-dimensional flow model,even saturated-unsaturated flow model,will be employed in the future.


