
Half Self Adaptive Updating Kalman Filter Model of Channel Flow Routing

  • 摘要: 提出和讨论了基于马斯京根流量演算河道洪水实时预报的半自适应滤波模型.在该模型中量测误差系列的协方差矩阵可以通过信息更新系列实时估计出来,只有模型误差系列的协方差矩阵需要预先给出.提出了一个处理区间入流较为合理、方便的方法.通过验证和应用说明了该模型的合理性.


    Abstract: Based on the Kilman filter theory and Muskingum method,the half-self adaptive updating Kilman filter model of channel flow routing has been developed for real time application of flood forecasts.In the model,the measurement error covariance matrix can be estimated in real time throught on the innovation sequence. A reasonable and simple model is used in the inflowerrors.The examples show the model are reasonable.


