
Elimination of the Influence of High Frequency Components on the Determination of Secular Trends of Sea Level Changes

  • 摘要: 由一元线性回归分析的正则方程计算表明,在验潮记录较短的客观条件下,验潮序列中的周期波动对确定海平面变化趋势的影响是显着的.着重讨论采用数字滤波方法消除周期小于4年的短周期波动对确定海平面变化趋势的影响,并设计了最平滤波器,其通带截止频率对应的周期为4年,即应用最平滤波器对月均验潮序列进行低通滤波,基本上可消除周期小于4年的短周期波动对确定海平面变化趋势的影响.


    Abstract: The normal equation of linear regression is used to calculate the effects of high frequency components on the determination of secular trend of relative sea level(RSL).It shows that the periodic variation components(with period from several months to 18.61 years)have significant effects on the determination of secular trend of the short-time gaugerecords.The maximum flat filter which cut-off period is 4-year has been designed to filter out the high frequency components(with period less than 4 years)of monthly mean sea level.Secular trends of RSL are determ ined by the linear regression of low-passed gauge records.


