
Advances of Research in Water Science

  • 摘要: 根据我国公开出版发行的20多种与水有关的科技期刊1995~1998年刊登的关于水科学研究的论文,回顾和评述了近4年来我国在水科学研究,特别是基础研究和应用基础研究方面取得的成果和主要进展。认为研究成果是丰硕的,但各领域发展不平衡;与国际研究前沿仍有相当差距,特别是在不同尺度水文循环及其界面过程方面研究较为薄弱。


    Abstract: Based on a Large number of papers published in more than 20 kinds of Journal which deal with different aspects of water sciences,a review of advances on water sciences has made,showing that the outcome of science is enrich, but there are some shorts of that in scientific forward position especially in the aspects on the research of hydrological cycle and its sectional process.


