
A Prelimiliary Study on Present Deficiency of Water Resources

  • 摘要: 现代水荒是工业时代的产物,也是人类与自然界关系失调的结果,人口迅速增加与城市化是水荒形成的直接原因,只有恢复人类与自然界的协调关系,水分循环作为这个关系中的环节之一,也将得到调整,人类社会的水分供需问题也会随之解决。信息时代的到来为此开创了前景。


    Abstract: The article discusses the present deficiency of water resource, as a result caused by violation of relationship between nature and man in the process of industrilization in 20th Century.Rapid population grwvth and urbanization are two factors which deteriorate the existed supply-demand balance of water on land. Only in case of recovering the harmony to nature-man system,the water problem would be solved consequently.This is naturally be possiblly realiiz,d in the up to come informatron society.


