An Optimized Method for Parameter Calculation of Non-Equilibrium Flow Pumping Test
摘要: 提出根据非稳定流抽水试验资料确定含水层参数的优化算法。该法不同于现有的配线法,其根据最小二乘法及0.618法原理进行优化计算,从而确定承压含水层的导水系数和弹性给水度及渗透系数等。优点是计算结果比较客观,计算精度比较高。给出了实例计算及与其他相比较的结果。Abstract: In this paper, An optimized method for parameter calculation of non-equilibrium was introduced. Based on this method, the best aquifer coefficient of transmissibility, coefficicent of storage and coefficent of permeability can be derived. The parameters calculation were optimized. The calculation can be completed automatically.