
A Method for Designing the Mobile Bed Erosion Model of a New Excavated Channel

  • 摘要: 指出原状土与散粒体的起动流速、输沙率存在明显的差异,这使得新开挖河道动床冲刷模型设计方法与天然河道动床模型设计方法有所区别,也复杂得多。提出了新开挖河道动床冲刷模型的设计思想和设计方法,泰州引江河道动床冲刷模型论证了该方法的正确性,并认为该方法具有普遍意义。


    Abstract: A design ideal and design method for the mobile bed erosion model of a new excavated channel are presented, it shows that the method of designing the mobile bed model of the natural channel is diffferent from that of the new excavated channel due to the evident difference between the undistrurbed soil and individual sand in threshold velocity and sediment discharge, furthermore, which has been verificated to be accuracy and has a practical application value by the Tai-zhou approach channel mobile bed erosion model.


