
Automatic Computational Grid Generation Technology Supported by GIS

  • 摘要: 计算格网生成是流体力学数值模拟过程中的一项主要工作,以往普遍采用手工剖分方法,其结果对数值模拟产生很大影响。将地理信息系统(GIS)技术引入格网生成过程,利用计算机自动生成计算格网,并在此基础上讨论了以GIS为主控过程的集成数值模拟环境及其功能。


    Abstract: The computational grid generation is the prime procedure of hydromechanical numerical simulation. The results of generation affect the numerical simulation obviously. The manual grid generation methods were used for a long time. In this paper, the authors intend to apply the newly developing technology of Geography Information System (GIS) to the grid generation, use the computer to generate the numberical grid automatically, and discuss the integrated GIS-based numerical simulation environment and its function.


