Research on Hydrologic Network Plan and Development
摘要: 在简要回顾甘肃水文站网历史发展的基础上,运用直线原则与区域原则的理论与方法对洮河和陇南嘉陵江干流区进行了站网规划,取得了对实际工作具有指导作用的成果,并就流量站网的规划与调整、流量站网如何更好地为水资源合理开发利用服务等站网发展问题提出了意见。Abstract: Based on reviewing the history and development of Gausu's hydrologic network, the hydrologic network in Taohe River and main river of Longnan Jialingjing River are studied by using the line principle and region principle, obtaining beneficial results to practice. Some suggestions about hydrologic network development, how to plan and regulate the hydrologic network and benefit reasonable development and ultilization of water resources, are proposed.