
A Review of Hydrologic Frequency Analysis

  • 摘要: 对水文频率分析研究进行了回顾与评述,分别对常遇的几个问题——频率曲线线型、经验频率公式、统计参数估计和特殊水文资料应用等作了叙述,总结了我国近50年来在频率分析上的主要成就以及对分析思路、研究探索、实际应用和实践经验等作出剖析。可以认为,现在已发展成一套具有中国特色的水文频率分析方法,为工程所需提供了科学依据,为水文学科的发展作出了贡献。


    Abstract: In this paper, the history of the hydrologic frequency analysis and research is reviewed, the commonly encountered problems, such as the type of frequency curves, the empirical frequency formulas, estimation of statistical parameters and application of special data, are described. The summary of main accomplishments for the frequency analysis in recent 50 years is emphasized, and the analysis idea, the exploring study, the practical application and the practical experience are dissected. It is considered that, now there are a set of hydrologic frequency methods having Chinese specialty are developed to provide the scientific grounds for engineering needs and to act as contribution for development of the hydrologic science.


