
Extremly Heavy and Light Meiyu in Yangtze and Huaihe Valleys

  • 摘要: 对江淮流域1885~1998年的特别丰、枯梅雨进行研究,重点论述近60年中4个重大丰梅年和三个空梅年的降水特点、异常变化、前期有关特征及严重后延影响等,并提出讨论意见。


    Abstract: The extremly heavy and light Meiyu in the Yangtze and Huaihe valleys through 1885-1998 have heen survied.Among them,the characteristics of precipitation,the abnormall changes,some fore-going features and serious retraded influences of four extra-heavy and three void of Meiyu episodes in recent 60 years are studied.And some problems are discussed also.


