Water Circulation and Its Climate Background
摘要: 指出水分循环的关键在于海洋通过大气向大陆输送水分。水分循环的基本环节,都同气候有密切关系。夏季风在输送水分中有极其重要的作用,季风环流的高变率是水分循环高变率的重要原因之一,论述了厄尔尼诺与全球增温等气候变化现象对水分循环的复杂影响过程,指出现代水荒是人类活动对气候变化影响的主要结果之一,人类根据自然规律,能够调控好自己与自然界的关系,保证正常的水分循环,解决现代水荒问题。Abstract: The artical takes water transporting from oceans through atmosphere to the continents as a key link of water circulation, which consists of evaporation, precipitation, atmospherical circulation and runoff as its main constituents, related closely with climate and its change. From the main zone of evaporation in oceans, the summer monsoon is the essential current of water transportation. The high variability of monsoons would cause the high variability of water cycling. The artical discusses how El-Nino and global warming influences the water cycling and precipitation. It is highlighted that the importance of human activities is one of the causes forming the water deficiency in modern times and confirms that man would be able to reestablish the harmony between nature and man, and successfully solves the water problems confronted.