On the Relation between Hydrology and Science of Water Resources
摘要: 水资源学的基础是水文学。水资源学在发展中不断向水文学提出新的要求,水文学也在加强对水资源学服务中得到新的发展。水资源学和水文学沿着各自的途径前进,并且在发展中相互促进,以求在更高层次上相互依存,共同发展。Abstract: Hydrology is the basis of the science of water resources.As the science of water resources going forward,it sets freqently higher and new demand on hydrology,and hydrology makes further advances on itself in giving more effective cooperation with the science of water resources.The science of water resources and hydrology are going forward along their own way of development respectively.Conseqently they can promote development mutually so that they can be interdependent each other and make progress together.