
Advances in water ecosystem service study and its key supporting technologies

  • 摘要: 作为协调经济发展与生态保护的关键支撑技术,生态服务功能评价研究得到了相关研究者的广泛关注;由于水生态系统日益恶化,与水相关的生态服务功能研究成为生态系统服务功能研究中的热点。从水的生态服务功能内涵出发,对水的生态服务功能研究中的识别、评价方法及驱动机制等热点问题进行了阐述,并提出了水的广义与狭义的生态服务功能内涵和双层生态服务功能识别方法与研究模式。介绍了原型观测技术、基于统一物理机制的生态水文模型与多维度分析等关键支撑技术,同时指出内涵与功能识别不清、评价方法不完善、关键支撑技术尚待开发及应用效果不理想是目前研究中存在的主要问题,对水的生态服务功能研究做了展望。


    Abstract: As for key supporting technologies,studies on coordination between economic development and ecology conservation have attracted extensive attention in the assessment of ecosystem functions and ecosystem services.The study is especially relevant to the issues of water quality degradation and the deterioration of ecosystem functioning.In this study,certain hot issues on the subject including function identification,assessment method and driving mecha-nism are addressed.The concept of water ecosystem services in its broad and narrow sense is discussed.As the result,a board and narrow sense concept in water ecosystem service,the double-function identification method and research models are proposed.The study also reviews key supporting technologies for the subject including observational prototype technologies,coupled eco-hydrological models,and multidimensional analyses.The study highlights the major shortcomings of current research,e.g.,weak connotation and function identification,imperfect assessment methods,untapped key supported technologies,and unsatisfactory results from technology application.Finally,the future prospects for the subject are presented.


