Estimation of soil moisture in summer by active microwave remote sensing for the Maqu area at the upper reaches of the Yellow River
摘要: 利用ENVISAT-1/ASAR的VV极化主动微波资料,基于裸土表层微波后向散射GOM物理模型,并利用"水-云"模型处理植被层对土壤表层微波后向散射的影响,遥感估算了夏季黄河上游玛曲地区土壤水分空间分布。通过地面观测网的同步观测资料验证,卫星遥感的土壤体积水分含量和地面测值间的均方根误差RMSE<0.02 m3/m3,决定系数R2>0.86,表明所用方法适于黄河上游区域。从遥感结果来看,夏季玛曲地区土壤水分平均值约0.40m3/m3,说明该区是黄河重要的水源区;但该区域土壤水分具有明显的空间异质性,其分布受地形影响明显,平坦区域土壤水分的空间相关距离大于2000 m,而山地区域的土壤水分空间相关距离较小,为500~1000 m。Abstract: The estimation of soil moisture in summer of 2009 is carried out using the ENVISAT-1/ASAR VV polarization data for the Maqu area at the upper reaches of the Yellow River.The geometrical optics model (GOM)is used to compute backscattering coefficients.The effect of surface short grasses on the estimation can be eliminated from the total microwave backscatters using a semi-empirical water-cloud model.The latter is calibrated using measurements collected synchronously from the regional soil moisture network.The result shows that the root mean square error of the remotely sensed soil moisture is less than 0.02 m3/m3,while the R2 (coefficient of determination)is greater than 0.86.A high value of 0.4 m3/m3 is obtained in the summer soil moisture average,indicating that the Maqu area might serve as an important source water area for the Yellow River.However,a significant heterogeneity is present in the spatial distribution of soil moisture due to the influence of terrains.The spatial correlation distance of 500 m to 1000 m is found for the soil moisture in mountainous regions,while that in flat regions is greater than 2000 m.Our result demonstrates the applicability of using remote sensing techniques for soil moisture retrieval at the regional scale.