
Experimental studies and characteristics analysis of sea ice flexural strength around the Bohai Sea

  • 摘要: 在渤海冰区油气开发中,海冰物理力学性质对海洋结构设计、海冰动力学过程均有重要影响.目前,随着渤海冰区锥体海洋平台的增加,对海冰弯曲强度的研究具有重要意义.对环渤海沿岸9个测点的海冰弯曲强度进行了现场和室内测试,同时对影响海冰弯曲强度的海冰盐度、温度进行了测试;分析了莱州湾、辽东湾西岸和辽东湾东岸等不同测点海冰弯曲强度的特性,讨论了海冰弯曲强度与卤水体积(温度和盐度)、应力速率的对应关系;依据海冰弯曲强度与卤水体积的平方根呈负指数关系,与加载速率呈线性关系的特点,确定了海冰弯曲强度的双参数推算公式,为冰区锥体、斜面结构海冰弯曲破坏时的冰荷载设计提供了参考依据.


    Abstract: In the oil/gas exploitation of Bohai Sea,the physical and mechanical properties of sea ice are important to determine the design parameters of offshore structures,and also have important influence on the ice dynamics.With the increasing applications of ice-breaking conical structures,the investigation of sea ice flexural strength is more valuable since it is the most important factor to calculate the ice force.In this study,the sea ice flexural strengths were measured in situ and in door around the Bohai Sea at nine sites.Meanwhile the salinity,velocity and loading rate were also measured in the experiments.The characteristics of sea ice flexural strengths were analyzed at the Laizhou Bay,the west shore of Liaodong Bay,and the east shore of Liaodong Bay.Finally,the influences of brine volume(salinity,temperature) and stress rate on the sea ice flexural strength were analyzed.Based on the linear function between flexural strength and stress rate,and the negative exponential function between the flexural strength and the square root of brine volume,a double-parameter equation is established to determine the sea ice flexural strength.This study can be used to determine the ice load on the conical and slope structures in ice-covered regions.


