Hydrodynamic model for complex flow in open-channel networks
摘要: 利用汊点水位预测-校正(junction-point water stage prediction and correction,JPWSPC)法处理缓流河网汊点处的回流效应,采用Preissmann格式离散Saint-Venant方程组,并采用Newton-Raphson方法求解非线性离散方程,构建了非恒定河网水动力模型.模型既无需特殊的河道编码,又避免了建立和求解总体矩阵.与常用的分级解法模型相比,保留了其既适用于树状又适用于环状河网的优点,同时克服了分级解法需要建立和求解河网总体矩阵的缺点,显著提高了稳定性和计算效率.Abstract: A hydrodynamic model for open-channel networks is established using the newly proposed junction-point water stage prediction and correction(JPWSPC) method,which treats backwater effects at the junctions.In the model,the Saint-Venant equations are discretized using the Preissmann scheme.The resulting equations are solved using the Newton-Raphson method.The model needs neither specific node-numbering nor setting up and solving branch equations.Thus the model is applicable to both dentritic and looped channel networks,and more robust and efficient.