Effects of spatial detail of soil data on distributed hydrological modeling
摘要: 基于空间半分布式的SWAT模型和全分布式的WetSpa Extension模型,分析了高分辨率的SoLIM数字土壤数据和美国SSURGO传统土壤数据对流域径流空间分布式模拟和总量模拟的影响.结果显示:利用不同土壤数据得到的产水模拟结果在空间上差别明显,但模拟径流总量的差别随着模拟面积的增大而逐渐减小.根据实验结果,对于注重空间分布的模拟目的,需要较详细输入数据的支持;对于总量模拟,则可随模拟面积的增大而适当放宽对输入数据分辨率的要求.Abstract: Effects of different soil data resolutions on distributed hydrological modeling and total water yield were investigated using a modeling approach.The semi-distributed SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool) model and the fully distributed WetSpa(Water and Energy Transfer between Soil,Plant and Atmosphere) Extension were used in this study.Both the US SSURGO(Soil Survey Geographic) soil data and the detailed SoLIM(Soil-land Inference Model) soil data were utilized in the modeling investigation.Results show that different soil data resolutions will lead to a large discrepancy in modeling water yield at simulation points distributed over a watershed.However,the difference in simulation of total water yield decreases with increasing the area of watersheds.Based on the modeling experiment,it is recommended that detailed spatial data will be required where the simulation primarily focuses on the spatial distribution of water fluxes,while the data condition could be relaxed for the simulation of total water yield especially for large-sized watersheds.