
Variations of surface humidity and its influential factors in Northwest China

  • 摘要: 采用1960~2009年112个观测站逐日气象资料,利用FAO Penman-Monteith模型,计算出西北地区各气象站的潜在蒸散量,由此计算出各站点的湿润指数.采用反距离加权插值、Mann-Kendall检测等方法对全区湿润指数的时空变化特征及影响其变化的气象要素进行了探讨.结果表明:西北地区近50年来有变湿趋势,湿润指数平均每10年增加0.006;季节上以春、冬两个季节的增加趋势最明显.该区湿润指数的空间分布自西北向东南大致呈先减少后增加的趋势.由湿润指数变化的空间差异,将全区划分为3个区域:显著增加区、轻度增加区、持续减少区.影响湿润指数变化的气象要素在不同年代对其影响程度不同,湿润指数与降水量和相对湿度存在明显的正相关性,与日照时数、潜在蒸散量、风速存在显著的负相关性.


    Abstract: Based on the daily data of 112 meteorological stations from 1960 to 2009,the potential evaporation(PE) is calculated using the UN Food and Agriculture Organization(FAO)Penman-Monteith model,and then the humid index is reconstructed from the PE in Northwest China.With the method of Inverse Distance Weighted,Mann-Ken-dall,etc,the temporal and spatial variations of humid index are discussed,as well as its impact factors.The result indicates that the humid index increases in the last 50 years with an increasing rate of 0.006/10a,which are obvious in spring and winter.From northwest to southeast,the humid index displays a marked high-low-high trend in spatial distribution.According to the spatial variation,the study areas can be divided into three sub-regions:obvious increasing,light increasing and continuous decreasing.The influential factors have different impacts on the surface humidity index during different times in the past 50 years,showing a positive correlation with precipitation and-relative humidity,and negative correlation with sunshine duration,potential evaporation and wind speed.


