Temperature as a groundwater tracer:Advances in theory and methodology
摘要: 对地下水温度示踪理论与方法的相关研究做了评述,介绍了当前地质体中温度场与渗流场耦合作用模型、数值模拟技术和渗流参数反演方法,并从温度示踪方法的两个主要应用领域:地表水与地下水交换和工程地下水渗漏探测(以堤坝为例),说明地下水温度示踪的应用研究。在地质体中温度场与渗流场耦合模型方面,裂隙介质、非饱和带、复杂边界条件和非Darcy流是研究的难点和热点。在未来的研究中,需要改进相关模型及求解方法,使之能够适应复杂介质特征、复杂水动力条件、复杂热环境等问题。在温度示踪的应用研究方面,采用数理统计方法来处理海量的时间序列观测资料,更有效地确定地表水与地下水的交换速率,以及如何利用温度资料定量化确定堤坝区地质体中集中渗漏通道的位置和特性是未来进一步研究的方向。Abstract: The theory and methodology of temperature as agroundwater tracer are reviewed. The focus is placed on related research about the temperature field and seepage field coupled modeling, the numerical simulation and the parameters inversion. A series of its applications are also presented from exchange between surface water and groundwater to groundwater leakage detection (taking dam as an example). The focus and difficult point of previous research is about fractured medium, unsaturated region, complex boundary, and non-Darcy seepage. In the future research, it is necessary to improve the models and the numerical solution techniques for enabling the models to meet the complex medium, complex hydrodynamic conditions and complex thermal environment. For the application of temperature as a tracer, it is more effectively to determine groundwater velocity by mathematical statistics method. And further quantify research on how to detect the position and feature of leakage by temperature should be done.