Simulation of black bloom in Moon Bay of Lake Taihu and physical and chemical responses of water and sediment
摘要: 太湖湖泛具有在非确定区域非特定时间突发的特性,在野外很难进行及时有效的跟踪。利用Y-型沉积物再悬浮发生模拟装置,进行了风浪作用下太湖月亮湾藻源性湖泛发生过程的室内模拟,研究了湖泛发生过程中上覆水体及沉积物基本指标的变化特征。结果表明:湖泛发生过程中,上覆水体经历了显著的好氧-缺氧-厌氧阶段,溶解氧(DO)水平从起始阶段的大于6 mg/L下降到湖泛发生前后的小于0.5 mg/L;水体色度呈现出显著的升高趋势,但水体变成明显的黑色并发生湖泛却具有突发性;上覆水体NH4+-N及PO43--P呈现出不断升高的趋势,并形成明显的氮磷负荷污染;受湖泛区域氧化还原环境的影响,表层沉积物Fe(Ⅲ)开始向Fe(Ⅱ)转化,形成Fe(Ⅲ)/Fe(Ⅱ)<1的还原环境,同时表层沉积物酸可挥发性硫化物(AVS)显著升高,并呈现垂向递减分布,表层最高值达到135.80μmol/g。Abstract: Black bloom in Lake Taihu has become a matter of considerable concern in recent years. However, it is difficult to monitor the bloom timely and effectively, because the bloom may move from place to place and from time to time. The algae-originated black bloom in the Moon Bay of Lake Taihu was reproduced under indoor laboratory conditions in this study. The experiment used a Y-shape apparatus to simulate the sediment resuspension process. Quantitative changes in primary parameters both in overlying water and surface sediments were monitored during black bloom. The experimental data were analyzed. The result shows that the overlying water has undergone an oxic-hypoxic-anoxic period during the bloom. The dissolved oxygen (DO) level decreases from >6 mg/L at the beginning of the experiment to <0.5 mg/L after the black bloom. The water continues to darken until turned into black accompanying with a sudden burst of black bloom. The nutrient concentration in overlying water also increases steadily, which causes a heavy nitrogen and phosphorous pollution. Reduction of ferric iron (Fe(Ⅲ)) to ferrous iron (Fe(Ⅱ)) in surface sediments is greatly affected by the redox environment of water bloom, which creates a reducing environment (Fe(Ⅲ)/ Fe(Ⅱ) < 1) on the surface. At the same time, a sharp increase in acid volatile sulfides (AVS) in surface sediments is observable, and the maximum value of AVS (135.80 μmol/g) is found on the surface.