
New calculation method for water-saving potential in agriculture based on water balance principle

  • 摘要: 农业节水潜力是进行节水改造方案评估、用水效率评价及水资源优化配置的重要依据。在回顾和总结农业节水潜力评价指标和计算方法的基础上,综合考虑取水、耗水和回归水3个方面,提出了农业理论节水潜力的概念,并利用水量平衡原理对相应计算方法进行了推导。同时根据不同的节水措施,提出了农业耗水理论节水潜力、农业回归水理论节水潜力和农业取水理论节水潜力的概念及计算方法。基于新方法对柳园口灌区农业理论节水潜力进行了计算,结果表明柳园口灌区农业理论节水潜力为4636.59万m3;其中,农业耗水理论节水潜力最大,农业取水理论节水潜力次之,农业回归水理论节水潜力最小。相关结论为该灌区制定合理的节水灌溉措施和水资源高效利用策略提供了理论依据。


    Abstract: The water saving potential in agriculture plays an important role in scheme evaluation of water-saving performance, assessment of water use efficiency and optimal allocation of water resources. The evaluation indices and calculation methods are reviewed, and an innovative concept for water-saving potential in agriculture is proposed by taking into account water intake, water consumption and agriculture return water. The corresponding method for water-saving potential is given based on water balance principle. For different water-saving measures, the method can estimate the potential reductions in water intake and consumption, and the potential savings in agricultural return water. The new method is applied to the Liuyuankou Irrigation System (LIS) for a theoretical study on water-saving potential in agriculture. The result shows that the theoretical water saving in LIS could be as much as 4 636.59×104 m3. In which, the potential reduction in water consumption would be the largest, and followed by water intake and the potential savings in agricultural return water. The result provides a theoretical basis to the implementation for water-saving measures and effective utilization of water resources in LIS.


