
Mechanism of outer delta evolution of the Laolonggou tidal inlet in Caofeidian sea area on China’s Bohai Bay

  • 摘要: 渤海湾曹妃甸老龙沟海区属于泻湖型潮汐通道体系,口门附近发育有大规模拦门沙浅滩。由于沿岸泥沙供给不足,近几十年来东坑坨等沙坝外侧海区整体呈侵蚀冲刷态势,等深线向陆蚀退。老龙沟西支深槽也以侵蚀作用为主,而拦门沙地区滩槽冲淤变化则与东坑坨演变密切相关。其中东槽冲刷发展主要是东坑坨西南尾端淤长压迫老龙沟口门,引起岬角效应增大、潮流动力增强所致,而西槽的摆动现象则主要与东槽发展所产生的挤压作用有关。由于泥沙供给不足,近年来东槽发展和西槽摆动的速度都有明显减缓。


    Abstract: A lagoon-type tidal inlet system with a larger outer delta, namely Laolonggou, is located in the Caofeidian sea area of China's Bohai Bay. With the decrease of the sediment supply in last decades, the seabed was eroded obviously on the sea-side area of the Dongkengtuo barrier island, and the isobathic lines retreated toward the coast. The deep channel of the West branch was also in an erosion state, and the change of erosion-deposition in the outer delta was mainly affected by the Dongkengtuo island. The obvious erosion in the eastern channel is mainly caused by the extension of the Dongkengtuo head land, leading to the increase of the current velocity. The western channel narrows and moves toward the west, due to the extruding of the eastern channel. In recent years, the eastern channel development has been slowing done together with decreasing in the western channel swing amplitude, which is also due to insufficient sediment supply.


