
Hydrological processes in different landscapes on Mafengou River basin

  • 摘要: 目前高寒水源区完整水文过程规律研究还非常薄弱。应用同位素技术与水化学分析模拟方法来甄别高寒区马粪沟流域不同景观带冰川、积雪、冻土、地表水、地下水和降雨等水体对出山径流的贡献组合与路径,旨在揭示各景观带的水文过程。据端元混合模型计算,在湿季出山径流52%来自地下水补给,其地下水主要是由冻土融水、冰雪融水和降雨下渗转化形成;冰雪带融水占11%;高山寒漠带和灌丛带地表径流占20%;高山草原带约占9%;降雨直接补给占8%。整个流域降雨很少直接产生地表径流,而是在各个景观带转化成壤中流或地下径流,然后汇入河道。


    Abstract: There is less research about integrated hydrological processes in alpine cold regions at present. This paper aims to explore the hydrological processes in different landscapes on the Mafengou River basin of an alpine cold region. This is done through the identification of the composition of alpine runoff of different origins including glacier, snow, frozen soil, surface water, groundwater, and precipitation using isotope and hydrochemical methods. A mixing model is employed for hydrograph separation. The result shows that the groundwater from the alpine cold desert zone and shrub zone contributes about 52% of river discharge in the Mafengou River during the wet seasons. The recharge of groundwater is achieved by transforming thawed frozen soil water into river channels, and infiltrating glacier snow melt water and precipitation on the land surface. Other contributions include 11% melt water directly coming from the glacier snow zone, 20% surface runoff on the alpine cold desert zone and alpine shrub meadow zone, 9% thawed frozen soil water from the alpine grassland zone, and 8% precipitation water. The study suggests that the direct runoff generated from precipitation events rarely occurs over the whole basin. Much precipitation will infiltrate into the soil either becoming interflow or recharging groundwater, and then drain into river channels.


