Non-Parametric Statistic Approach: Application and Prospect in Hydrology and Water Resource
摘要: 非参数统计方法在水文水资源系统中的应用和研究已取得了一些进展,依研究内容不同可分三类:(1)在水文频率分析中的应用和研究;(2)在水文水资源预报中的应用和研究;(3)在水文水资源模拟中的应用和研究.对非参数统计方法在水文水资源系统中的应用和研究现状作了较全面的介绍,并展望了今后的研究趋势和发展方向.Abstract: Some advanc ements of application and studies of non paramer ic statistic approach have been made in the system of hydrology and water resources.Those include three aspects:(1)hydrology frequency analysis,(2)forecasting of hydrology and water resources,and(3) simulating of hydrology and water resources.In this paper,the state of a pplications and studies of non-parametric statistic approach have been introduced.Finally,some trend and directions for future studies are presented.