
Concept and Assessment of Groundwater Vulnerability and Its Future Prospect

  • 摘要: 地下水脆弱性概念的发展过程是一个由简单到复杂,由单纯考虑内因到综合考虑内外因,由分歧到趋同的不断丰富、完善与发展的过程.评价方法则相应的由应用图件定性描述发展到应用数学模型定量表达.指出了目前地下水脆弱性评价中存在的若干问题,并指出应用灰色系统理论,模糊数学理论,AHP方法与GIS技术进行地下水脆弱性评价将是地下水脆弱性研究的一个主要的发展方向.


    Abstract: The development of groundwater vulne rability concept is such a continu ously enriched,perfected and developed course which is from simple to complex,from considering inner factors merely to considering inner and outer factors comprehensively,and from divergence to agreement.Correspondingly,the assessment methods are from qualitative description by using maps to quantitative express by using mathematical model.The existing problems of groundwa ter vulnerabi lity assessment are put forward,and the present situation of research is discussed,and it points out that it is a hopeful research direction to assess the groundwater vulnerability by using the gray system theory,the fuzzy mathematical theory,the AHP method and the GIS techniques at last.


