
Analysis of Food Throughput per Unit Water Use

  • 摘要: 单位水量粮食生产能力是综合反映灌溉用水水平和粮食生产状况的重要指标.通过对各省(市、区)粮食生产能力的计算,结合各地自然地理条件及水资源开发利用状况的分析,认为我国粮食生产发展的潜力,主要在于提高粮食单产水平,提高灌溉水的利用效益,在水土资源较丰富的地区应适当发展灌溉面积.


    Abstract: The food yield per unit water is an important index,which indicate the efficiency of the irrigation water use and status of food production.Based on the calculation of food yield per unit water in every provinces,analysis of the regional conditions and actuality of water resources development and utilization,it is shown that the potential of food produce rely mainly on increasing food yield per area and improving irrigation water use,and the irrigation area can be moderately developed in the areas with abundant water resources and land resources.


