
Study on the Integration Problem of Complex Flood Forecasting System

  • 摘要: 以广西南盘江天生桥一级电站施工洪水预报系统为例,讨论了以水情数据库、洪水预报模型、数据库管理系统和模型管理器为基础构建集成化复杂洪水预报系统的若干技术问题,提出了用邻接矩阵来形式化和规范化预报系统水情数据与预报模型之间复杂关系的一般方法.


    Abstract: This paper presents the comprehensive framework of complex flod forecasting system and uses neighborhood matrix to manage the network relationship of the interaction of models and data.The framework of flood for ecast system includes flood database,forecasting models,database integrity platform and model manager.The neighborhood matrix reflexes temporal dependence of flood forecast models,by traveling the neighborhood matrix we can get the model chain and data chain of the forecast system.


