Temperature Regimes Effected by Different Soil Moisture in Soil Mulched with Transparent Polyethylene
摘要: 透明型膜覆盖后,土-气界面热平衡状况发生变化,使得覆盖后产生增温效应.通过边界层热平衡分析,建立了一维热传导数学模型,模型中考虑覆盖层的光学特性,忽略土壤水分运动对土壤温度分布的影响,经与土柱实验数据检验,表明模型具有良好的精度且塑膜覆盖对土壤热状况有强烈的影响.着重探讨了表土含水率不同所产生的热效应的差异.Abstract: In order to study the effect of soil mulching with transparent polyethylene film upon the soil temperature regimes with variou soil water content a numerical one dimensional model has been developed.Optical properties of the cover was considered and the effect of soil water movement on soil temperature distribution was ignored.The ability of the model to predict the temperature regimes of the mulched soil under different soil water content was tested.The calculated results agree well with the observed data.It was shown that the temperature regimes are significantly influneced by the polyethylene film.The model is used to calculate the soil heating by the transparent polyethylene film mulched in the area which inputs the data of meteorology information.