
Water Supply Risk in Taiyuan City and Water Price of Diverting Water from External Region

  • 摘要: 提出了太原市2000~2030年期间高、中、低三种需水量预测方案,进行了未来规划期降水、径流和地下水资源的人工系列生成并定量分析了上述规划期内的供水风险及其变化过程。对引黄济并工程,计算了不同调水量的使用概率,结合工程水价的经济分析,对规划期内外调水的期望水价进行了定量评价。


    Abstract: Predictive water demand for high, meddle, and low levler during the planning perid 2000-2030 in Taiyuan city are presented. On this basis of the observed hydrological records the sequential generation of preciptation, runoff and groundwater recharge are conducted. By using the developed integral simulation model of water supply system the water supply risk during the planning period is analyzed quantitatively year by year. The operational probability and the expect water price of diverting water from Wuanjiazhe reservoir on Yellow river are estimated.


