
Advances in Numerical Simula tion of Two-Phase (Water and Air)Flow in Unsaturated Zone

  • 摘要: 通过对近年来水-气二相流数值模拟情况的分析,总结了在水-气二相流模拟过程中,各个主要参数或物理过程的数学概化方法,以及近年来求解水-气二相流方程和污染物运移方程的各种方法,论述了各种方法的优点和不足.并提出了需进一步研究解决的问题.


    Abstract: This paper reviews recent advances in numerical simulation of two-phase flow and contaminan t transport.Many methods on deriving the primary parameters and the generalization of some physical processes are summarized in two-phase flow simulation.Mea nwhile various solving algorithms to the two-phase flow equations and contaminan t transport equations are reviewed,and t heir merits and shortcomings are summarized.Hence further issues to be solved are put forward.


