Influence of Forest Cover on the Water Resources in Loess Hill Region of Gansu Province
摘要: 通过对甘肃省黄土丘陵地带森林植被区与裸露的黄土丘陵区若干流域水文资料的分析,说明该区植被有利于增加降水量.对暴雨洪水及年径流也有明显的调节作用.同时,对改善区域小气候、保持水土、涵养水源效果显著.Abstract: This paper analyzes the hydrologic informations of some river basins in forest cover in loess hill region of Gansu Province,showing the forest cover in the region contributes to increase precipitation,regulates obviously storm-flood and annual runoff,and improves efficiently microclimate,soil and water conservation.