
Analysis on Influence of Sea Ice in North Pole Area on Runoff in the Upper Yellow River during Flood Season

  • 摘要: 从北半球的冷源出发,以半球尺度来考虑北极海冰对黄河上游水量丰枯的影响,通过对北极海冰与黄河上游汛期水量的统计分析揭示其相关关系,并探讨北极海冰通过影响大气环流进而影响黄河上游水量的物理机制.


    Abstract: This paperstudied the influence of the sea ice in the north pole area on the runoff in theupper Yellow River during flood season with hemisphere scale from the point of view on the cold source in north hemisphere.The correlation ship between the runoff in the upper Yellow River during flood season and the sea ice in the northpole area was obtained through the statistical analysis.Then the physical mechanism of influence of the sea ice in north polerea on atmospheric circulation and further on the runoff volume in the upper Yellow River were discussed.


