Establishment and Operation of the Automatic System of Hydrological Data Acquisition and Transmission of Electric Power Plant in China
摘要: 对我国水电厂水情自动测报系统(以下简称测报系统)的建设和运行情况进行了比较全面的论述和分析。对测报系统的运行指标进行了量化统计分析,总结了测报系统在防洪和发电中所发挥的效益,提出了存在的问题和今后工作的建议。Abstract: In this paper the establishment and operation of automatic system of hydroelectricity data acquisition and transmission (ASHDAT) in China are analyzed,the index of ASHDAT are analyzed,the benefits of ASHAT in the flood control and hydroelectrcity generation are summarized,and the present problems and suggestions for the future are put forward.