On the Condition of Water Resources in the North of China and Its Moisture Background
摘要: 分析了把土壤水计算在内,我国南北地区水分条件都能满足当地农业生产的需要,北方缺水远没有一些文献上所说的严重,由于人口急增,工业与城市化的发展,北方水荒更为严重,但仍能通过生产的调整以及生态与工程措施就地解决,不一定需要东、中线的南水北调.Abstract: The article indicates that if the soilwater is considered, the agriculture would be corespondent with the moisture condition both in South and North of China, without the urgent demand of water transfered from the South to the North of China, as the earlier literature shows.Only the fast growth of population and the development of industry and urbanization make thewater deficiency in North is becoming seriousmore andmore.However, thewaterproblem may be resolvedon the spot, not necessarily to transferwater from outside.