
The Total Sand Flushing Funnel and Application

  • 摘要: 主要介绍了一种新型泥沙处理技术,即“漏斗式全沙排沙术”.该项技术既可以排除粗颗粒的推移质泥沙,也可以排除细颗粒的悬移质泥沙.对0.5mm以上的粗颗粒泥沙的截沙率为100%,对0.5mm以下细颗粒泥沙的截沙率为90%,排沙耗水量仅占渠道引水量的2%~5%.


    Abstract: This paper introuduces a new desilting works mainly,the funnel total sand flushing works.This works can drain bed sediment of coarse grain and suspended sediment of fines.The desilting rate for coarse grain which diameter more than 0.5 mm is 100 percent,and for fines which grain diameter less than 0.5 mm is 90 percent,the water consum ption is only 2-3 percent of channel diversion.


