
A Model for Groundwater Quality Assessment Based on the Maximum Entropy Theory

  • 摘要: 针对目前水质评价灰色聚类分析方法中存在的评价结果分辨率不高等问题,本文基于信息论中Jaynes最大信息熵原理,提出了一种新的水环境质量评价模型.通过实例计算并与灰色聚类法评价结果进行对比分析,说明了该模型不仅数学推导严谨、科学合理,而且结果的分辨率、灵敏度以及评价的可靠性都大大提高.


    Abstract: The system of water quality is a grey system due to its partially uncertainties.There exist several methods for the assessment of water quality, i.e.the index method, the fuzzy mathematical approach and the grey clustering method.However, the resolutions are low in the results of the present methods.Based on the Jaynes maximum entropy theory, a new model for assessing water quality is put forward in this paper.A case study is given by using this model.The results compared with those of the grey clustering approach shows that the model established in this paper is not only strictly derived, but also has higher resolution and sensitivity and reliability.


