Efficient Improvement of Crank-Nicolson Scheme
摘要: 运用待定系数法,对Crank-Nicolson格式进行了改进,得到一新的具有3阶精度的HAUC2格式.新格式有非保守型和保守型两种.对质量输移对流方程计算表明,HAUC2格式的计算结果与精确解吻合良好,与原Crank-Nicolson格式相比计算精度得到明显改善.Abstract: Using the undetermined coefficient method developed by authors, accuracy of the Crank-Nicolson scheme is improved effectively.The improved one, named as HAUC2 scheme, is a three order scheme and agrees well with exact solution of pure convection equation.Conservative form of the new scheme is also pressented, which enhances its applicability in the engineering.