A Method for Velocity Calculation of Downdraft Reach under Lack of Hydrologic Data
摘要: 倒灌河段受干流影响往往存在双向流动,其流速的确定与单一河道明显不同,对缺乏必要水文和地形资料的大量中小倒灌河段,使用数学模型或物理模型常常遇到困难.针对这一情形,本文采用物理模型,结合数学模型及多元回归分析方法,提出了确定倒灌河段最大流速的经验公式,具有一定的应用价值,为工程问题中倒灌河段流速确定作了有益的尝试.Abstract: The bi-directional flow often happens in the downdraft reach due to the influence of main thannel,so that its velocity calculation is obviously different from normal river in practical engineering.In many condition,the necessary hydrologic data and topography is lacked in these downdraft reaches,then the mathematical and physical model are difficult to apply directly.So based on the combination of physical, mathematical model and multivariate regression analysis for typical downdraft reach,a empirical formula is putted forward in this paper,and can be directly used to determine maximum velocity at a engineering point in downdraft reach.