A Numerical Model of Scouring and Silting Around Bridge Location
摘要: 将平面二维河道推移质冲淤数学模型和桥位局部冲刷经验公式有机地结合起来,计算整体河段泥沙冲淤和桥位局部地区泥沙冲刷,既考虑了局部流态对整体流场的影响,又反应了整体流场对局部流态的影响.文中以长江黄石大桥河段为例,计算其桥位冲刷,计算结果与模型测量资料基本一致,效果良好.Abstract: In this paper,the scouring and silting can be computed by wmbining the 2-D plane bed load numerical model with the experimental scouring formula around bridge-pier in the whole computational reach and the location around bridge-pier,which takes into account of the interaction between whole flow and local flow condition in river.A reach of Changjiang river near Huangshi bridge is taken as a computational example,which computed local scouring around the brige-pier,and the computational results basically coinside with the measured data.