
Water Environment Problem of Irrigation in China

  • 摘要: 针对我国水资源匮乏,水资源浪费严重以及水体污染持续恶化三大问题,指出了农田灌溉用水中缺水、滥用、污染等导致农业水土资源与生态环境急剧恶化的若干问题,解决的重要途径是推行各种行之有效的节水灌溉技术、污水资源化利用以及水资源养用相结合等措施。


    Abstract: Based on the existing states of water resources and water environment in China,the paper points out that shortage and low use factor as well as water pollution result in the deterioration of soil-water resource and ecological environment in the irrigation,which can be effectively solved by water-saving,renewing wastewater and conservation water.


