
Advances in Applications of Remote Sensing Data to Hydrology

  • 摘要: 从遥感技术在水文学中的直接和间接应用两个方面,详细阐述了遥感技术在洪水过程实时动态监测、水域面积、冰川/积雪水文、降水、区域蒸发、土壤水分、径流和水文模型、水质等领域的应用和研究进展,继而对遥感和地理信息系统在水文学中的联合应用问题进行了讨论。


    Abstract: This paper gives the recent advances in applications of remote sensing data to hydrology.The direct remote sensing applications to hydrology means the hydrologic variables, such as areas covered by lakes, snow, glaciers or swamps, can be obtained from direct interpretation and analysis of remote sensing images.The indirect remote sensing applications to hydrology means the electromagnetic variables measured by remote sensing techniques have to be related to the hydrological variables empirically or with transfer functions.The most hydrologic parameters, such as runoff discharge, regional evapotranspiration, soil moisture etc., can only be acquired by this indirect way.The combination of remote sensing and GIS with hydrological process is also overviewed.


