利用优化方法求算Van Genuchten方程参数

Parametric Estimation of the Van Genuchten’s Equation by the Optimization Method

  • 摘要: 运用单纯形调优法,拟合描述土壤水分运动特征曲线的Van Genuchten参数。该方法可广泛地用于不同弯曲程度Van Genuchten方程曲线的拟合求参,拟合精度高,另一方面也表明Van Genuchten方程的线性选配适当。此外,算法程序用VB语言编写,实现了参数初值实时修改、多种数据格式输入输出和实时图形结果输出等多种友好人机界面功能,方便易用。


    Abstract: According to the principle of simplex evolutionary method, the Van Genuchten's Equation (VGE) of the curves which are used to describe the feature of soil water movement are fitted.The method can be used to estimate the parameters of the VGE's curves which describe the feature of water movement of different matrixes' soil, and the fitt ing error is very small.The algorithm is coded by means of the Visual Basic.The program provides many different kinds of data in and data out formats which now are used frequently, has friendly man machine interface, and is easy to use.


