
Application of the Wavelet to Study on the Turbulence Structure of Sediment-Laden Flow

  • 摘要: 采用三阶Db3小波函数对挟沙水流脉动流速进行消噪,小波分析较好的时频特性能有效地消除原始信号的高频噪声。将消噪后的脉动流速用不同尺度的小波进行分解,较大尺度下的小波分解刻划信号的总体趋势和形状,体现湍流的相干结构;而较小尺度下的分解则反映信号变化较快的高频部分,反映湍流的小尺度旋涡的各向同性的无序紊动特性。


    Abstract: In this paper the Db3 wavelet transform is applied to study instantaneous velocity of sedimentladen flow measured by the MicroADV, and according to the characterize of local property of the wavelet in time frequency, the high frequency noise is easily removed.The de-noised velocity is further analyzed as the higher frequency and the lower frequency part, the lower scale represents the regularity of velocity fluctuation on the whole and relates to coherence of turbulent, and the higher scale represents the fine structure of velocity fluctuation, which relates to the isotropic characteristic of turbulence.


